I don't even know you anymore....
The way you talk
it's alien.
The words you say
have meaning but
the way you say them
Like a stranger
talking stranger
thinking stranger
feeling stranger.
that you
could do
that to
me too
and be you.
It's true
I'm blue.
Fuck you
It's you not
It sucks
to be
The reason
you flee.
I know that
to be
Happy you
Your point,
it's made.
I miss talking
made me high.
Now you're odd.
I know who you are
But you...
You've evolved,
because you're involved
somewhere else.
Have fun, I'll still be here
when you're done.
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Posted by S at 9:10 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
Atterbury Poem
Late night confessions of a midnight rambler...
Are strongly mixed with truth and the observations of
tired eyes.
Sitting, breathing, walking, dreaming...
I grow impatient of each passing experience not had.
Every nearby companion engulfed
in their own unconscious love affair with serenity.
Thoughts of envy and sadness creep like the song...
Distractions of loved ones who are not longer loving,
Make me remember how lucky I am to have lost.
The lights of man and society glow in the distance
They break up the shades of colors recently forgotten
By the sun.
Shadows form from structure and beast.
They placidly drape along the landscape
Like the random stains of an exploded bottle of ink.
No moon or stars tonight as they wickedly hoard their light
Behind the swollen clouds who's dreary dark masses
Jealously block the beauty of star light from the saturated planet.
The peace of night is serenaded
By a symphonic melody hummed on by tireless machines
While unseen natural contributors take up the harmony
Rustling, chirping, howling, and swirling a song
sung for a millenia before the first memory of man.
I sit transfixed by the incarcerating atmostphere
That captivates the senses while intrigues the imagination
Knowing, that upon break of day, the light of the Sun
Accompanied by the invasive presense of man
Will chaotically redefine the environment
That is.... until The majesty of night
Once again pacifies into nirvana.
Posted by S at 8:17 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
You don't see me sitting near
quietly waiting here
completely unappreciated there
nobody asking where.
I feel invisible most of the time
sequestored away as if guilty
of some unmentionable crime
I can hear you talking
All of your attentions diverted
away from where I am stalking.
Hate and loathing consume me
Why can't I be noticed and admired
why can't any of you see?
When I disappear from here
it will truly be clear
With no one to stare
and equally no one to care.
Posted by S at 7:06 PM 1 comments
Thursday, January 24, 2008
It's the attack!
The emerald eyed monster
The ugly head
A nasty shadow looms...
The effects reach
Makes you wonder
about me.
As I sit here
thinking, wishing,
wanting what
I can't have.
for you to think
what I think
feel what I feel
I wish I could make you
so you'd be aware...
penetrate your mind
like a mental vagina
and impregnate
your thoughts
your soul
so you could
understand why I am
the way I am.
The way I always am.
Posted by S at 6:33 PM 0 comments