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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

A Short Letter To The Indiana Sniper.

Dear Asshole,

What gives you the right? I hope your fate is not decided by a jury, but by the families of those whose lives you have forever made just a little bit darker. I do not blame you. I blame your parents. They deserve the same fate as you. A 17 year-old with access to a sniper rifle is insane. I hope they are proud, your parents. They raised a murderer well.
It is people like you that make this pascifist glad we have a death penalty. Now where as I'm sure your age will prevent you with recieving it, I do hope that the prosecution dangles in your face enough to make you sick. I know you'll never really be sorry for what you've done. I just hope you spend the rest of your life being as stupid and bored as you must have been this past weekend. I hope you spend the rest of your life learning you truly are a worthless piece of shit. What gave you the right?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

What To Do?

It's those little reminders in life that really get under your skin.

Myspace.com is a good way to keep in touch with friends and see what people are up to. It is also good at reminding you of all the things you are NOT doing. At least, thats how it works for me. It's not like I have had a choice lately though. I'm working everyday of the week now. The people I hang with are usually already busy at something by the time I'm availible. Actually, I'm usually too tired at the end of the day to care one way or the other.

Then I get on Myspace and get reminded, oh yeah! People do things. Damn you responsibility! I have some days off coming up though and I'm going to take full advantage of them. I wanna do some kinda road trip. I was orginally supposed to be going to Chicago for a convention during the weekend in question, but because of financial obligations to a certain loan company I cannot. SO road trip! Somewhere cheap, yet fun. Ideas?


Friday, July 21, 2006

This Week in my Own Personal History

I am working ALOT these days. As I've made aware to most people I've come in contact with, I'm working 7 days a week. Actually I work everyday from July 19th to August 3rd. It's bearable (bareable?) whatever, it is and at least it means more money for the hell-plague that is college loan repayment. Word.
So, this week was my Art Camp at KC. Yeah, it started out bumpy, but I found my grove and it turned out awesome. It's a big deal for those who don't know, because it's basically my first stab at teaching art in a classroom session. Oh yeah, I fucking rocked it. The kids loved me, the parents said I did a great job, my co-workers were giving me props left and right. I couldn't be happier with it. It's gratifying to know the things I came up with were so well recieved, and enjoyed by the kids.
As a psuedo-reward to myself I ordered some climbing gear. It just doesn't get old. It's good for you/me. I haven't had a physically challenging hobby in years, not since wheelchair sports in college. I ordered some shoes and a harness for climbing. At work we got some new climbing rope in so Wall-Alex and I are getting the old ones replaced.
It occured to me that the places to to throw up graffito expands exponentially when you can reach higher surfaces.... I'm just sayin'.
In other news, I canceled my trip to the Chicago ComicCon. Against my will. Thats all I have to say about that.


Monday, July 17, 2006

Of Summer Eclair's and Pupils Alike...

Bizarre things are afoot...

... well just one foot would be pretty bizarre! (Rim-shot) followed by (crickets)


Well I was running around myspace last night and happened upon a girl I knew from 3 years ago and lost contact with. As I like to keep my subject's anonymity, I'll refer to her as Summer Eclair. That will do. But I digress, Summer Eclair was 14 years of age a lable I am sure she would strongly protest. In normal space/ time functionality it would put her at about 17 now. So imagine my surprise when I found she'd manage to fold time, in relative terms of course, so that she actually doubled her rate of aging over the past few years and found her at the age of 20 on her myspace account. Now, as I was later informed the ruse is only in place so that she can live normally the life of a college student. Yes, 17 and a soon to be sophomore at the University of {censored}. She is a bright, mature, beautiful girl. I'm pleased as punch that shes studying photography.

In other news:

Today was the first day of Art Camp at my place of business. When I awoke this morning I couldn't remember what a pencil was let alone how to teach an art class. After a 32 oz pepsi and a few seconds of pumping adrenaline in front of 20 students, not only did I remember but, and I must be frank, I rocked being an art teacher!

Guess that means I'm on one of those Ups.


Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Even My Own Mind Is Against Me....

I just woke up from the single most depressing dream I've ever had. First let me explain that I don't dream much and even more rarely so I dream and not know it's a dream....

"It's my first day back living at college. I was back at ECU and living in the dorms. My roommate was a stocky guy who was really into computers. Through out the day I met a few other dudes that lived nearby and they were all asking me questions about what games I like and what my first college experience was like. Later, on we sitting out in the common area when a student put on play started up. The play was very artsy and boring so the 3 other guys and myself got up and started what I think was some sort of laser tag game. Dreams are hazy about these things. Anyway the game roused the attentions of our R.A.....

This girl was the dream embodiment of everything I've always wanted in a woman. Which should have been a BIG clue! Anyway she came in to explain a few things to me about policies and then she came onto me. Not in a sexual way, but a romantic way. Then we started making out. Thats when it hit me that this was a dream.

I woke up in my bed and was pissed that it wasn't real. I was storming around and I ran into my mom. I told her about the dream and how perfect it was and yada yada yada. The next day I was coming back from work still moping. Mom comes up to me determined telling me she saw the girl I described or at least someone alot like her. As I was telling her I couldn't do it. She told me to do it for my sister. Because my sister had recently died in the Ocean from a shark bite to the neck. I then remembered what happened to my sister and started crying, not Liz not Liz."

It was then I woke up. Depressed as hell from that for a minute. The reference to my sister being dead came from the last dream I remember having from about 2 months ago. I HATE dreams like that! Ugh.... now I gotta talk to someone on th ephone and act like nothing incredibly weird ever happened.


Monday, July 10, 2006

The Events In Your Life Go Up and Down

The more you need sleep the harder it is to get that sleep.
It must be late, my reminder that my anti-virus subscription has expired notice just popped up. So, I need to write to get my thoughts out, then maybe, sleep.

Since my last post a lot of things have happened. A few notable events like being kicked out of my house by my mother, and subsequently learning that someone I know isn't who I thought she was. I hope she knows two things... that I'm mad at her but also that just because I'm mad at her dosn't mean I don't still care about her. I also went to full-time hours at kidscommons... only eight months after I was promised I would be. Just in time for the 6 month loan defferment to come to a close. On the heels of that came the firing of one of my bosses which has proven to be a blessing for most who still work at kidscommons.

Another aspect of life that has materialized in the last few days is that my life is suffering from very polarized times of happiness and unhappiness. I attribute this to the fact that I latch so tightly onto the good things in life, whilst becoming as apathetic during the unhappy moments. This past Saturday was incredibly fun. I met someone from Myspace who lives a town over. She's completely attractive but my trepadation far exceeds my attraction due to the other 2 guys she's interested in. Still I hope that theres a new friendship there at least. I went out and had a great time with some other people later that night. Went with Wall-Alex and his very obscurely opinionated ex-girlfriend who's name escapes me. We had strange conversations ranging from Elvis and Graceland to masturbation and Heidi Klum's "Big German Tits". All That was great, then Sunday sucked. World Cup finals prevented it from being a total loss but after the game there was no event too small I wouldn't have attended to bring in some enjoyment to the waining hours of a wretched day.

So I've hit a low end again. Maybe that means tomorrow will be awesome and I'll pick up and hit another highpoint again. I wonder, can you be counted as bipolar if it's not your personality or emotional state but more your life and all the factors that surround you?
