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Monday, July 10, 2006

The Events In Your Life Go Up and Down

The more you need sleep the harder it is to get that sleep.
It must be late, my reminder that my anti-virus subscription has expired notice just popped up. So, I need to write to get my thoughts out, then maybe, sleep.

Since my last post a lot of things have happened. A few notable events like being kicked out of my house by my mother, and subsequently learning that someone I know isn't who I thought she was. I hope she knows two things... that I'm mad at her but also that just because I'm mad at her dosn't mean I don't still care about her. I also went to full-time hours at kidscommons... only eight months after I was promised I would be. Just in time for the 6 month loan defferment to come to a close. On the heels of that came the firing of one of my bosses which has proven to be a blessing for most who still work at kidscommons.

Another aspect of life that has materialized in the last few days is that my life is suffering from very polarized times of happiness and unhappiness. I attribute this to the fact that I latch so tightly onto the good things in life, whilst becoming as apathetic during the unhappy moments. This past Saturday was incredibly fun. I met someone from Myspace who lives a town over. She's completely attractive but my trepadation far exceeds my attraction due to the other 2 guys she's interested in. Still I hope that theres a new friendship there at least. I went out and had a great time with some other people later that night. Went with Wall-Alex and his very obscurely opinionated ex-girlfriend who's name escapes me. We had strange conversations ranging from Elvis and Graceland to masturbation and Heidi Klum's "Big German Tits". All That was great, then Sunday sucked. World Cup finals prevented it from being a total loss but after the game there was no event too small I wouldn't have attended to bring in some enjoyment to the waining hours of a wretched day.

So I've hit a low end again. Maybe that means tomorrow will be awesome and I'll pick up and hit another highpoint again. I wonder, can you be counted as bipolar if it's not your personality or emotional state but more your life and all the factors that surround you?
