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Sunday, July 23, 2006

What To Do?

It's those little reminders in life that really get under your skin.

Myspace.com is a good way to keep in touch with friends and see what people are up to. It is also good at reminding you of all the things you are NOT doing. At least, thats how it works for me. It's not like I have had a choice lately though. I'm working everyday of the week now. The people I hang with are usually already busy at something by the time I'm availible. Actually, I'm usually too tired at the end of the day to care one way or the other.

Then I get on Myspace and get reminded, oh yeah! People do things. Damn you responsibility! I have some days off coming up though and I'm going to take full advantage of them. I wanna do some kinda road trip. I was orginally supposed to be going to Chicago for a convention during the weekend in question, but because of financial obligations to a certain loan company I cannot. SO road trip! Somewhere cheap, yet fun. Ideas?
