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Sunday, February 04, 2007

Narrations Of

a narration of my heart
would speak in volumes

of past hurts that healed
and those who linger still
in the eyes of all who
do not love me.

of recently loved
and the bitter hatred
by which their heart
still yearns for me.

of your beauty and love
and how the warmth
is with me in my chest
and in my dreams.

A Narration of my Lips
would tell of kisses

Lost to those who
never needed them but
still accepted and traded
with no value.

Blown to the wind
to pass on a message
of luck and caring for
a time long passed.

Not yet received from
your lips in a courtship
of lovers tryst and
future intentions.

A Narration of my Mind
would speak of thoughts

Of lovers blind who
left me behind for
sexual temptaion and hatred
through bitter deception.

Never trusting, believing or
listening to a heart's command
which always lead to pain
suffering, and love.

Knowing that you
present the best hope
for a long longed-for

If I were to narrate
I would tell

of how the every nuance
of all aspects of your
personality beg
That I love you.

and I would tell you.
that forever, I do.