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Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I feel myself falling apart.
A sensation of desperation
to hold on to the elation
of our relation-
I won't let it slip
I just need to get a grip
and not trip
so your love don't flip.
This breakdown
falls from high ground
replacing security with fear from all 'round.
With a sound
so scary it echoes all over town
and never drowns
until you're around.
I know it's messed up to be so honest
but when the love is gone-it's
So Sad and SO BAD That it makes me MAD!
But I would be Glad
To see your face
in this place
or in any case
For this dread I can erase...
...with a hush...
don't blush
when I stare
with out glare
because I care
and your beauty is so rare.
I get so excited
I can't fight it...
breathe a little.
Just Breathe.
In and Out
I have no doubt
You'll hear me when I SHOUT!
I love you.
Just you.