On Professionalism.
Professionalism is of course a relative term. Most would say it's an attitude. In a sleepy town like Columbus, Indiana it's an image. Three-piece suits, ties, shiny shoes... for men anyway. In a professional setting one is expected to be polite, articulate, responsive, and insightful. You should have a clean look to you, respectable. I agree with most of this. Thats why it's nice to be in a position where I'm regarded equally with all of my co-workers, above and below, despite the fact that exercise my individuality through outward appearance. I'm not looked down upon for wearing my bright orange Adidas Sala soccer shoes, or having a bandana wrapped around my wrist, and certainly not for having my increasingly famous fauxhawk. I'm not bragging, just making an observation, but it's just perfect for me to be just as successful as some guy somewhere who has to where uncomfortable suits everyday. Professionalism? I am very professional, I earn my way through merit not how I look. Professionalism? I don't want to be Donald Trump's next sycophantic stooge. The best thing about being an artist is people almost expect you to be different. It's not always a good thing, but it works none the less. Power to the individuals, who instead of complying with society seek to makes changes, if ever in small ways to forever change the way we percieve the world.
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Posted by S at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, March 25, 2006
I Need/Want You.
Two years ago when I bought my cell phone I didn't care about features, I just wanted a phone that could work from my apartment. I wanted performance. Well, since then I've found my calling. I've immersed myself into geek culture. Comic books, video games, D&D, and of course new technologies. That said, I want one kick-ass phone. Recently, my digital camera died after 4 years of loyal service. So I decided my next phone should have a decent camera in it to, in a way, save money. My last phone had a camera but it was one of the first camera phones so the quality was crap. Newer camerafones not only improve upon my old phone but on my old camera as well. There are a couple phones I'm in love with.... but they're all too expensive. So I'll keep on looking.
Posted by S at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 23, 2006
Relate This Punk!
Relationships are a serious pain in the ass! I have a strained relationship with my parents mostly because still live with them. I have a strained relationship with those I call my friends because I hardly ever see them. And then there's romance which is strained simply because it lacks a little thing called EXISTENSE.
Yes, as we all know relationships with those we like/love are the biggest pains in the ass. People we don't like or don't care about are easy to deal with because we forget about them or ignore them. Over. Done. Kaput.
A good friend of mine is going through a bitch of a time due to a few laspes in Judgement. I can't say more because it would narrow down just which of my friends with issues I'm talking about. I will say this, time will tell them that I was right!
Recently, I allowed myself to fall into an atypical sort of relationship. I took on the ever controversial "fuck-buddy". Yeah it's over now and was good while it lasted. It was un-needed drama as I well knew it would be and was warned to the point of annoyment by friends and confidants. Hey, shit happens. No one got hurt, we're still friends, happy ending.
My advice: Don't buy a gallon of milk a week past it's experation date.
Posted by S at 5:52 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Thats My Mo' Faux!
3 years ago I tried something different. Something that some would say was a bit extreme. I gave myself a Mohawk. I loved it right away. A lot of others loved it as well. All the doubters, concerned friends' eyes were opened. It looked good and not trashy. After 3 months I cut it off just because it was cold outside. Years later I miss it. I avoided getting it again because now that I'm out of school and have a job at a relatively respectable place I figured it would be...errr... professional. Recently, I was told by one of the senior staff of the museum I work at that she though it would be great if I did it again. I was convinced. Lots of arm pulling there... So I'm bringing it back, right now my hair is too short so I'm doing the whole, controvercial, fauxhawk thing. I never used to like them before. Soccer God David Beckham helped change my mind some. These days I love the style. I don't know why. It's an odd mix of punk and just messiness. Some might even say it's more conservative.
Not me, but some. The ladies do tend to take more notice though. Thats never a bad thing.
Posted by S at 7:20 PM 0 comments
Brokeback Bitch (ing)
Annie Proulx the writer of the book that "Brokeback Mountain" is based on is a whiney, sore loser. And, I emphasize the the "Loser" part. Apparently she wrote an article in response to the loss of Brokeback lashing out at other studios and film makers. She even called Crash trash. Ya know, for a movie/book that was supposed to spread to help encourage open mindedness, she sure is acting like a republican on this issue. Get over it, your movie lost. Everyone knows the Oscars are overly political but that doesn't mean that the movie based on your movie was better. In this writer's opinion, it wasn't and I'm completely unbiased.
Posted by S at 12:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 13, 2006
Life Support
As a species it's only been natural for us to become dependant on the things we've created. The early humans relied heavily on fire, later electricity and today.... high speed internet.
Last night our service got interupted by who knows what. I found myself lost and disoriented like I'd lost my vision or hearing. Yeah, I'm now seeing how sad that is, but hind-sight is 20/20 as they say.
Posted by S at 6:04 AM 0 comments
Saturday, March 11, 2006
The Funniest Picture I've Seen in a While
How cool is this guy?!
picture from http://www.snakeriverconspiracy.com.
Posted by S at 9:30 PM 0 comments
Thursday, March 09, 2006
I <3 Blair Butler
Thursdays rock. Don't argue because they do.
Today is the day before payday, the day survivor comes on, and the day that Blair Butler's Fresh Ink comes on G4tv's Attack of the Show. Woot! For those not in the know, Blair Butler talks about comics in her own little segment of a tech/videogames/pop culture show, AOTS. http://www.g4tv.com/attackoftheshow/index.html
Anyway, Blair is a one cool lady! She's comic nerd, a writer for one of the coolest channels around, she's gorgeous, and turns out she's really funny too. I saw on her website http://www.tinysadrobot.com that she does stand-up. It would be awesome for dudes like me if there were more her's around. The Picture below was taken from her website. Please don't sue, Blair. We're all fans here.
Posted by S at 3:25 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
It's the New Original.
Blogs are funny things, yeah? I mean they're personal aren't they? They should reflect one's....self I suppose. Well my last one I had how it was, where it was because all my friends at the time had their's on the same site. It served it's purpose for the time. Now, I'm graduated, I'm looking for my own way, man. I've been making lots of changes lately. Redefining who I am on every level I can. A new blog was a logical next step.
Anyway, if you're wondering about the blog title, code 314 refers to the police scanner code that stands for Indecent Exposure. Now I whole heartedly agree that that would have made a cliche blog title, even though I liked the idea of it. Thats why I chose that. So there it is, here I am. lets begin...
...with the end.
Posted by S at 8:40 PM 2 comments