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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

It's the New Original.

Blogs are funny things, yeah? I mean they're personal aren't they? They should reflect one's....self I suppose. Well my last one I had how it was, where it was because all my friends at the time had their's on the same site. It served it's purpose for the time. Now, I'm graduated, I'm looking for my own way, man. I've been making lots of changes lately. Redefining who I am on every level I can. A new blog was a logical next step.

Anyway, if you're wondering about the blog title, code 314 refers to the police scanner code that stands for Indecent Exposure. Now I whole heartedly agree that that would have made a cliche blog title, even though I liked the idea of it. Thats why I chose that. So there it is, here I am. lets begin...

...with the end.



Lee Cherolis said...

"...and tell him having a sexy female secretary is such a terrible cliche..."

you cut and runner.

S said...

Who has a sexy female secretary? Not I. There is nothing...well we do have more than one, but the attractive one is too young! LOL