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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Groan Inaudibly If You <3 Zombies!

Comics are good for the soul and bad for the bank account but somehow it all evens out in the end. So I dropped an unwise amount of my hard earned wages on multiple collections of sequencial art in the last 24 hours. Got myself totally hooked on one hell of a Zombie story. played catch up on some other series that had holes in my collection and picked up some new stuff that just plain rocks. At comic the comic shop http://www.alteregocomics.net/homepage.html there was a signing and a sidewalk sale going on. And with my partner in all things geek I went to talk, buy, bitch about, and browse comics. It was truly and excellent time. Tonight the geekery continues with Ben off playing some Star Wars RPG and me blazing through the trades to catch-me-up on the "Walking Dead". Yeah I read the first 3 which accounts for the first 18 issues. If you have any interest in comics, zombies or, god love you, both pick up these books they are incredible (if you like all those things and are a single woman in your mid 20's we should hook-up).
