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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


wake up.
A visceral reaction
to what
what is unpleasent, unwanted.
Unconscious avatars that chase.
Forcefully pursue me.
Why do you make me remember?
It's over.
I know.
Why hope?
Persistence in dreams
undaunting, infinite.
Yes I miss you.
Doesn't mean
I want to think,
about you.
Shadows of Clockwork relationships
breaking down time,
cerebral gears falling
cracking, crushing,
on my contentment.
Beg for consciousness.
Ghostly figures representing,
gathering, like storm clouds.
Around me. Not to scare.
To make you long, pine, wish.
Something more than
ephemeral pleasure.
Ignore your instincts,
fall into the memory,
the beauty of that smile.
A smile that will,
never be, again.
remember me.
We're not real.
heart pounds and eyes focus.
Comprehension dawns.
Disappointment sets in.
Time has passed, though,
memories, thoughts, all,
bleed from freshly cut wounds
of the mind. Thanks.
I never, ever want to
sleep again.