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Wednesday, November 01, 2006


She comes closer
I look into your eyes
Lips biting
fingers curling
chest rising.
leaning forward
kiss me once
bite my lip.
a tender sigh.
constrict around me
roll around
move the sheets
bodies rubbing
Her face twists
sweat beads.
You smile
piercings glisten in the low light.
sigh again.
bite your nipples
lips part
tongues wander like hands.
pace quickens.
faster heart, faster.
scratch my chest.
rough kisses
all over the room.
heavier breathing
Your mouth agape
muscles squeeze
Her body tightens
blood burning through
faces red
sighing louder
clutched hips
back arched
Your nails dig in.
she exhales.
final convulsion
death rattle
waves crash
lean in for a kiss.
You smile a me again.
kiss my forehead.
bodies part.
gentle embraces.
Eyes close.
I'm awake.
She'll never know
the best sex we ever had.
was with you.